Private Appointments

Wellbeing is a choice. Your choice.

Energy Healing Appointment

This individual healing session usually takes one hour and can be virtual or in person. Energy healing can involve any or a combination of the following: a clearing, balancing, transmuting and/ or initiation.

Belinda is intuitively guided as to the type of healing to use based on tuning into the energy field and higher consciousness of the client.

Appointment cost €80.


Holistic Coaching

This is a series of private one to one coaching sessions which incorporate holistic energy tools for clients interested to make changes to their overall wellbeing. We discuss mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing in these sessions. These sessions may help to remove blockages, address traumas, change thinking patterns and behaviours and provide tools to manage challenges. These sessions may be in person or on line. Generally each session is one hour and the number of sessions required is determined by the client.

Appointment cost €80.

What my clients say

Energy Healing Appointment booking
Holistic Coaching booking